UH60 vs. 171sh.

UH60 vs. 171sh.
"Capt. Martin" poses in front of his blackhawk enroute from Germany to Kosovo October 2009.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Christian Walk.

Geez. a lot of posts today. I'm actually waiting on my platoon sergeant to come bang on my door so that we can go conduct remedial PT for some of my not-so-hot PT gurus who can't quite seem to pass the APFT. We're playing B-ball today. hopefully they don't break my ankle or break my pinkie as has happened to two of our other officers/pilots who were playing sports.

I digress. I'm hoping to make this blog an opportunity for me to discuss my Christian walk - my relationship with Christ... who I am in Him and how it affects my everyday life and how it should affect those around me.

Do my peers, subordinates and superiors (and acquaintances) KNOW that I'm a Christian - rather a Christ-follower? Do I reflect that, do I live and act as if I'm not of this world and that my hope is in Him, not of everyday life... I hope so and I pray that I do.

I'm currently playing drums for the Sunday evening contemporary worship service... and we can definitely be described as making a joyful noise. Sometimes not much more than that - (: but it's good because everyone's heart is in it and we're there for the right reason. That is... to give glory to God and to worship him and help those who attend the service worship Him. We typically practice on Thursday evenings when we can get everyone together.

I'm also helping to facilitate a weekly biblestudy on Friday nights... right now we're going thru The Truth Project www.thetruthproject.org. It's going great. We're getting more participation as well as particiPANTS with this study than we did with the previous study we did (5-7 for the first study vs. 18-25 people for truth project). The study itself is very abstract and is definitely NOT "milk." We're really trying to challenge each other on this.

One of my goals is ALSO to get thru the New Testament before coming off deployment. I'm making pretty good headway... but won't be disappointed if I don't make it as long as I'm consistent in my reading of the Word. Originally, I wanted to try to get thru the entire Bible - but the task was a little too daunting and I was getting down on myself even before I had started and kept putting it off BECAUSE I was failing in it. I had to go BACK to the original intent of the goal... get myself into the Word - so, I adjusted my sight picture and now have a more reasonable target.

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