UH60 vs. 171sh.

UH60 vs. 171sh.
"Capt. Martin" poses in front of his blackhawk enroute from Germany to Kosovo October 2009.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Flight Time

I should be studying right now and in fact have my UH-60 Operator's Manual (a -10) open in my lap as I type this... I've got around 490 hours of flight time now (since starting this little journey called Aviation back in 2006) and "may" be considered for Pilot-in-Command (PC) in the not so far future - which means I'll be the primary person responsible for the aircraft when we fly.

I'm flying with the Battalion Standardization Pilot (SP) tomorrow and after our mission, we're going to go out and perform some emergency procedures, instrument approaches, and tactical terrain flight among other things.

John's a good guy, former Vietnam Huey Pilot with more flight time than he knows what to do with. Should prove to be a good flight.

More to come on the "PC-in-training"...

Continuation of Blog Post flight -

Had a great time, shot the ILS/DME approach into Pristina, did some Emergency Procedures (simulated), the GCA back into Bondsteel and the TFTA (Terrain Flight Training Area).

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