UH60 vs. 171sh.

UH60 vs. 171sh.
"Capt. Martin" poses in front of his blackhawk enroute from Germany to Kosovo October 2009.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Corrie Ten Boom

Quotes by Corrie Ten Boom.

"There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still."

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

First flight as PC

Please play video while viewing pictures (yes. it's necessary.)

-My first flight as a PC included losing navigation equipment, almost going inadvertant IMC (into the clouds) and Jack Daniels Whiskey, though we survived to fly another day.

(You'll have to ask me about the Whiskey...)

First Flight as Pilot-in-Command... 866 with Miles, Matt and Billy. This was 1st platoon, Bravo Company all the way. The Platoon Leader, Assistant Platoon leader, most senior crew chief and newest crew chief in the company (used strategery and designed it this way) (:
2 hours flying a VIP around.

Immediately after the first flight... you can still see all the lights on in the cockpit + the red button (don't EVER touch the red button)

Blackhawk 100 feet overhead... I love helicopters.

We had a mission with the Croatians. They fly the MI-171sh.

We were waiting on our passengers to come back...

Notice the castle ruins in the background...

This is my fourth flight as PC... we're waiting on the Sergeant Major of the Army to get done with his meeting - got a coin from it!

My turn to park the aircraft (:

(it's harder than it looks to put that sucker on the line!)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thanks for sharing your cups daddy - off to the park - 35 day... on Twitpic
Kylie and Elijah are holding Daddy's "Army" cups and taking them to the park. That's where I'll be headed in 35 days - to the park with my beautiful wife and my two little ones!

Can't wait!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

PC status...

Well I'm officially a PC in Bravo Co 2-147! I got signed off by my SP (Standardization Instructor Pilot) and today - my Company Commander.

I have my first flight with my "assistant" platoon leader - a relatively new Pilot this Wednesday. We're doing a relatively easy mission for my first flight and I'm going to go have lunch in Film City.

Will post pics of my first flight! (:

(sigh) time to move on to something else. ... ie. Ironman Training (:

Friday, March 19, 2010

Checkrides complete.

I got instrument "PC" checkride complete last night!

Now, all I'm waiting on is the commander's signature to sign me off as a Pilot-in-Command.

It's ironic, because I feel that this is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders - when in all actuality it's quite a bit more weight put ONTO my shoulders with the added responsibility now.

Regardless, I'm excited at the chance...

In other news, I'm cycling back to days (off of night shift) starting Sunday. Think I'm going to pull an all nighter just to reset myself. I was up until 6:30am this morning and slept in until 1pm... I'd just like to get the transition over with so am electing to go to bed Saturday night (:

...we'll see how it works out.

Monday, March 15, 2010

instrument checkride?

...still not done with my instrument checkride.

I passed my NVG checkride a week ago- and was signed off as a capable Pilot-in-Command (hesitate to even mention the latter... so as not to jinx myself and have to come back and explain WHY I still haven't made PC, if I continue to blow my Instrument ride).

I had my instrument ride with a different IP (Instructor Pilot) and was "spun up like a top" as he described me. It was the fifth time I'd tried to take this ride - being cancelled due to weather the previous times - and I think I'd gotten checkride-itis. Needless to say I didn't 'pass'.

Now, I'm in a progressive checkride, meaning that I'm being evaluated over several flights. This is fine by me... but stressful none-the-less. I'm ready to move on to something else!!!

I don't THINK I'm flying tonight, but who knows... likely it'll be tomorrow night.

Hopefully, we'll be done by then (:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Seventh Day Slumber - From the Inside Out

There's a couple of versions of this song floating around on the internet... this one is my favorite.


Ugh. I feel like I've been swamped at work.

-Trying to get my checkrides complete (and wanting to do well).

-Sudo-commander for the next week and all the extra responsibility that comes with that.

-trying to make progress on the distance learning captains career course

-continuing to run and oversee daily operations in the unit

I haven't REALLY talked to my family in two weeks... just short stints of time. That takes a toll on my emotional energy - when I get to talk to them, it recharges my batteries.

really engaging Nicole and getting to hear my little ones voices. Kylie's vocabulary is getting so big - she's only 2 and we're already talking about playing "Basketbowl" (definitely with Nicole's slight country accent) outside.

(also not training like I should be the last two weeks... it's probably safe to say, I'm lucky to even make it to the gym most days).

Some days, you just gotta be defiant. Things need to get done - and you have to do them.

Monday, March 8, 2010

NVG Checkride

1 checkride down... 1 to go. I just took my Night Vision Goggle Checkride (imagine flying at night, looking only thru the hole in a toilet paper roll).

In a few days, I've got my instrument checkride OR whenever the weather allows...

We started at 6pm and ended everything (oral evaluation & flight included) around 2:30am.

During my NVG checkride, I had all my radio switches turned down, had the guy next to me flying like he'd never been in a helichopper before, went simulated inadvertant IMC (instrument meteorological conditions) or accidently flying into the clouds - did a bunch of simulated emergency procedures - screwed up a lot of things and answered a lot of questions wrong... but it's not a real checkride until you've decided you failed it.

I passed. (:

In other news... yesterday was mid-50's and beautiful. Today: looks like we're in a Christmas snow globe. There's several inches of snow on the ground and it's still coming down. Pretty, really... but still represents the fact that we're not out of winter yet (sigh).

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I take my Night Vision Goggle (NVG) standardization ride tonight. We're required to take 2 checkrides once a year in our aircraft. One under goggles, and one on instruments. I don't get nervous TOO much... but I do get nervous about this more than anything else (: It's what aviators affectionately refer to as "checkride-itis" where you become stupid, can't remember ANYTHING you've studied and can't fly the helicopter with any skill what-so-ever.

In the last 2 or 3 days, I've brushed up on:

-regulations & Publications
-local requirements for this airspace
-aircraft systems, avionics & mission equipment
-operating limitations & restrictions
-aircraft emergency procedures
-aeromedical factors
-night mission operations
-tactical and mission operations
-night vision goggle operations

(**for those of you in Army Aviation, you may recognize this comes directly from TC 1-237, The Aircrew Training Manual)

Well, I'm now 5 hours from checkride. probably ganna study a little more and then shoot myself in the face.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My little girl's birthday!

It's Kylie's 2nd birthday today... guess how old she is?!

I think it was a blessing today for the whole family to celebrate her birthday... they had a party in the morning for Kylie and in the afternoon had Papa's visitation. This kept the family in good spirits. Wish I could have been there...

Happy Birthday my sweet baby girl. I'll be home soon.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kosovo Extracurricular Activities

Thought I'd share some of the things that have been keeping me busy while deployed that didn't include helichoppers...

We had about 6" of snow and once it started warming up the snow slid off the roofs and hung there for quite a while...

While Maj. Gen. Tonini was here, we watched the UK Basketball Game...

This is "Gabby the cat" whom we've adopted in our hangar (where we keep our aircraft). He lifts everyone's spirits...

1SG takes everyone out-to-eat and bowling on Wednesday evenings... this is the craziest bowling alley I've ever been to.

We've had several EPIC games of dodgeball since being here... the picture says it all.

"Trunk's Beefcake" (that's what's on the plate... beef & cake)

killer game of dodgeball...

This is where we were volunteering with a local highschool - helping to teach english. Today we're playing dodgeball with them (Christmas Eve). Trunk is attempting to destroy someone's face with a dodgeball.

everybody gets to learn CPR (and how to use a defibrillator)


I participated in the DANCON March at the end of November - -16 miles with a 23lb rucksack up some serious hills.
I finished with a bunch of international participants and we got our picture taken.

Long story short, my face is on some billboard at the French Camp (I think) in Northern Kosovo.

I play the drums (or handbells as my commander likes to say) for the weekly protestant worship service on Sundays. We make a "joyful noise" more than anything else. (note: the bells on the glass don't help my case in the "handbell" accusation - of course it's unrelated).

This is an entrance to Kosovo's largest cave - a big tourist attraction (when KEK isn't cutting power to the country). It's got nothing on Mammoth Cave though SIR!

We learn how to fight fires!

A bunch of us enjoy a night out on the town in Film City. Here, we're dining at "Tokyo"...

These cigarettes kill me... in Europe, they come with SERIOUS warning labels. Not the pansy ones that we have in Amerrrica.

Coolest Lego I have EVER seen.

This was a very confusing time for me. We were flying thru Croatia and stayed the night at a couple of different cities... we knew we were going to stay in Zagreb and in Dubrovnik (both major cities in Croatia). Well our hotel in Zagreb was named...(see below)... so no one REALLY knew where we were.

While we were in Vienna, Austria - Mike, Marcus & I got to help celebrate their independence day. Behind me is an Austrian Blackhawk on display.

Four of the RLO's (as we're called by those in our unit 'Real Live Officers'... not like the Warrant Officers - please reference the sarcasm) show off a little bit for all the aircraft coming into refuel.

This is a favorite pas·time for a lot of the guys. I prefer to watch the hilarity ensue.

another day of flying...

logged 2 hours today flying a route reconnaissance mission through central Kosovo... was SUPPOSED to take my instrument checkride immediately after but that didn't happen.

This is a picture of our EDM (Electronic Data Module) while we were flying off the coast of the Adriatic.
(Don't ever EVER EEVVEERR push that red button.)

Here's a picture over Croatia... beautiful country.

We're crossing the border from Austria into Croatia on our way to Kosovo in October 2009.

Flying multi-ship in Camp Atterbury.

Tony (another pilot) and I made a simulated PL (Precautionary Landing) in a field during an exercise at Camp Atterbury. Now we're sitting and waiting for the cavalry!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Papa Died Today.

Nicole's Grandfather, "Papa" passed away late last night in his sleep. He was 81 years old and had lived a full life. He's definitely in a better place and we'll see him soon.

Above is Nicole sitting with her Grandmother, "Mimi" - and standing is good ol` Papa.