UH60 vs. 171sh.

UH60 vs. 171sh.
"Capt. Martin" poses in front of his blackhawk enroute from Germany to Kosovo October 2009.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kosovo Extracurricular Activities

Thought I'd share some of the things that have been keeping me busy while deployed that didn't include helichoppers...

We had about 6" of snow and once it started warming up the snow slid off the roofs and hung there for quite a while...

While Maj. Gen. Tonini was here, we watched the UK Basketball Game...

This is "Gabby the cat" whom we've adopted in our hangar (where we keep our aircraft). He lifts everyone's spirits...

1SG takes everyone out-to-eat and bowling on Wednesday evenings... this is the craziest bowling alley I've ever been to.

We've had several EPIC games of dodgeball since being here... the picture says it all.

"Trunk's Beefcake" (that's what's on the plate... beef & cake)

killer game of dodgeball...

This is where we were volunteering with a local highschool - helping to teach english. Today we're playing dodgeball with them (Christmas Eve). Trunk is attempting to destroy someone's face with a dodgeball.

everybody gets to learn CPR (and how to use a defibrillator)


I participated in the DANCON March at the end of November - -16 miles with a 23lb rucksack up some serious hills.
I finished with a bunch of international participants and we got our picture taken.

Long story short, my face is on some billboard at the French Camp (I think) in Northern Kosovo.

I play the drums (or handbells as my commander likes to say) for the weekly protestant worship service on Sundays. We make a "joyful noise" more than anything else. (note: the bells on the glass don't help my case in the "handbell" accusation - of course it's unrelated).

This is an entrance to Kosovo's largest cave - a big tourist attraction (when KEK isn't cutting power to the country). It's got nothing on Mammoth Cave though SIR!

We learn how to fight fires!

A bunch of us enjoy a night out on the town in Film City. Here, we're dining at "Tokyo"...

These cigarettes kill me... in Europe, they come with SERIOUS warning labels. Not the pansy ones that we have in Amerrrica.

Coolest Lego I have EVER seen.

This was a very confusing time for me. We were flying thru Croatia and stayed the night at a couple of different cities... we knew we were going to stay in Zagreb and in Dubrovnik (both major cities in Croatia). Well our hotel in Zagreb was named...(see below)... so no one REALLY knew where we were.

While we were in Vienna, Austria - Mike, Marcus & I got to help celebrate their independence day. Behind me is an Austrian Blackhawk on display.

Four of the RLO's (as we're called by those in our unit 'Real Live Officers'... not like the Warrant Officers - please reference the sarcasm) show off a little bit for all the aircraft coming into refuel.

This is a favorite pas·time for a lot of the guys. I prefer to watch the hilarity ensue.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you for sharing what you are doing...the pictures are amazing and I am so glad to see what is going on over there :) :) Less than 50 days until you get to come home for two-week....with all my heart, I can't wait....:) :) :)
